Genie in a Network (GIN) – Event Bus

Event Bus

Communications are enabled through a bus which decouples the publishers from the consumers. Consumers can use either a pull or push model. The push model allows true event-based processing eliminating the need of resources for polling patterns. The service allows for dynamic topic creation, topic authorizations, and publish and subscribe procedures.

GIN has incorporated a NATS Jetstream distributed event bus into the platform. NATS JetStream is a distributed streaming system capable of capturing streams of events from distributed systems and microservices, IoT sensors, edge devices and software applications, and save them into persistent stores. It is built on a highly performant, resilient, secure, available, and easy to use NATS messaging system. With NATS JetStream, event streams are published by producers and replays of the streams from persistent stores are delivered to consumers. 

Alternatively, GIN can also work with DMAAP event bus used in ONAP. GIN includes a Telegraph plugin for the VES collector which along with DMAAP can be used in the TICK (Telegraf, InfluxDb, Chronograf, and Kapacitor) stack for data analysis.