WiFi – Network elements (NSS)

WiFi network elements (NSS)

CCI delivered WAN Aggregation solution and MAC based CALEA feature for law enforcement on a WiFi edge device. With predictability and time to market being the two greatest challenges facing the WiFi provider, CCI turned to building solutions that would help improve quality releases and bring them to market quicker. It helped reduce the time to market from an average of 10 weeks to 1 week. CCI delivered the ability to perform automated nightly builds, and delivered a continuous build pipeline capable of build, provision and test (sanity and smoke) in a physical and virtual environment.

To help prevent a growing number of performance related failures in production, CCI delivered an advance performance testing platform (Broozer) capable of certifying hardware, certifying software releases, detecting potential issues and testing advanced deployment platforms like ReadyZone and High Availability. This capability delivered measurable benefits by discovering potential performance defects and allowing experimental code to be examined under load and stress prior to code being checked into the release code line. In addition to simple load, the system simulated APs and other devices/systems to create simulated test boundaries that would not be possible in any other way than deploying to the field and simulating a potential high risk condition. This additional effort helped to ensure airports, hotels, and  large Hospitality venues’ WiFi service would perform well under load without production outages.